One Farm - 4 Coffees - Mooleh Manay - India


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Next roast date: 20h of January. Next shipping date: 22nd of January.

Enjoy 4 different coffees from one farm!

Mat dësem Set vu 4 Kaffie vun der Mooleh Manay Farm geet et drëms dir mol ze weisen, dass souguer Kaffi deen op enger Farm ugebaut gëtt komplett ënnerschiddlech schmaache kann. Duerch engersäits aner Kaffiarten (Arabica & Robusta) mee och duerch ënnerschiddlech Verarbechtungsprozesser (Natierlech, Hunneg, alkoholesch Fermentatioun) loossen sech ganz verschidde Goûten aus dem Kaffi zéien. Enner dësen Erklärunge fënns du ee Videointerview deen ech mam Komal Sable gemaach hunn, wou hat eis alles iwwer Mooleh Manay, SICC an d’Kaffien erzielt. Kuck e bis zum Schluss, well et muss och nach “Gromperekichelchen” soen. 😉

Mooleh Manay

Komal and Akshay, wife and husband, took on the challenge of running Mooleh Manay, which has been in the family for 5 generations, more than 6 years ago when neither knew much about coffee. They did so with the mission to become an example of an agroforestry coffee system and also to serve as an example of what Indian coffee has to contribute to the world.

Agroforestry means, the coffee isn't simply grown on a plantion, instead it is grown in a forest wit a bunch of other plants and wild animals. The goal is to find a balance between human intervention and nature, thus working in harmony with nature.

In addition to coffee, Komal and Akshay also grow black pepper, jack fruit, banana, papaya and oranges.

In the production and processing of the coffee, Mooleh Manay, tries to use as little water as possible, which also explains why they aren't producing any washed coffees. The electricity for the farm and their house is solar powered.

The 4 coffees

Natural Arabica: With taste notes of strawberries, raisin and black tea, this coffee is truly a fruity delight. Arabica is more difficult to grow and process than Robusta. The coffee needs to be harvested more often and while drying it is paramount, that it is raked a couple of times per day, in order for it to dry evenly. SCA score 86 of 100

Natural Robusta: This coffee has taste notes of black chocolate, white pepper and prunes. The natural coffee needs to be raked daily and covered at night. SCA score 83.37 of 100

Honey Sundried Robusta: With an excellent sweet caramel note and cinnamon, this coffee gets rounded off with hints of black chocolate and almonds. Honeys are separated from the coffee cherry and are dried with the mucilage still around the bean. SCA score 83.5 of 100

Yeast Fermented Robusta: Very sweet coffee, with taste notes of milk chocolate, almonds and blueberries. The yeast for the fermentation process was produced by Komal and Akshay out of raisins. SCA score 84.75 of 100

  • Farm: Mooleh Manay
  • Produced in: Nakur Shirangala, Karnataka, India
  • Altitude: 1000 m
  • Fairly traded

Interview with Komal

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Product description

The coffee is roasted by:


Sadler Patrice

5, montée du Château

L-6314 Beaufort

More info


4 x 125g, 4 x 250g, 4 x 1kg

Grind Size

an der Boun/whole beans, gemuel fir Filter/ground for filter, gemuel fir/ground for Bodum/French Press, gemuel fir/ground for Espresso (Cafétière italienne Bialetti), gemuel fir/ground for Hario V60, gemuel fir/ground for Chemex


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