Cascara Pink Bourbon - dried coffee cherry


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Cascara is spanish for hull. Meaning it is the coffee cherry that protects the coffee beans inside.

Most of the time the fruit is only used in origin to make tea out of it or is send straight to the compost heap. But cascara tea is way to delicious to just discard of it entirely.

In June 2023, I was at Juan Pablo's farm in Colombia. Besides harvesting and processing coffee, I also dried and sorted cascara. We had a small tasting, to see if pink bourbon cascara is even better, and it was. That very day, I told Juan Pablo, that I would buy the pink bourbon cascara and now finally the time has come to share this delicious fruit with you!😁

Enjoy a delicious cup of cascara tea, a refreshing glass of cascara lemonade or cold brew straight from Génova!

How to preapare cascara?

You can make cascara into a delicious infused tea or a refreshing cold brew or lemonade.

For an infusion: use 7.5g of cascara and 200ml of hot water. Let it steep for 5 minutes and voilà ENJOY!

For a lemonade you'll need 50g of cascara and 1L of boiling water. Let the cascara steep in the water for 10 minutes an drain it. Now add the juice of 3 lemons and 50g of honey (or sugar) and mix it all up. Let it cool down, add some ice and enjoy an exceptional lemonade in the sun!

For a cold brew: use 20g of cascara and 1L of cold water. Let it steep for around 8 hours in the fridge and enjop your fruity cascara refreshment.


Cascara tea has around 25mg of caffeine per cup, compared to a cup of coffee which has around 80mg of caffeine!


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100g, 400g


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