Giving back goes without saying!

I think, as a human who comes from one of the richest countries in the world, it is essential to give back: in the form of social projects like an unconditional basic income in Uganda or environmental projects like the planting of trees!

I plant trees since the very beginning of the Patrice.Coffee journey in September 2019. For every 250g of coffee sold, a tree is planted in Kenya. Here you can find more information on this, including proof of the donations I made.

Project for coffee producers in Génova in Colombia

More recently, in December 2023, I was thinking there must be different ways of giving back: directly to the producers. I then talked to Juan Pablo from Colombia, on whose farm I worked for 10 days in 2023. 

He told me about a workshop which he wanted to organize for the coffee producers in his village. He wanted to get them to switch to more organic ways of farming. 

For this project, my dear clients, you donated 330€ to which I added 184.50€. In total we collected 514.50€ for this awesome project! Here you can find more information about this project!

Project for a unconditional basic income for coffee producers in Uganda

In December 2024 I talked to my importer This Side Up about where to donate. They told me about how they teamed up with, an NGO from Belgium, to establish an unconditional basic income for coffee producers in Uganda. 

I thought that project was awesome and I generally love the idea of unconditional basic income for everyone, so it was clear that I wanted to support this project.

For this project you donated 567.20€ and I added 432.80€. In total we gave 1000€ for an unconditional basic income for coffee producers in Uganda! Here you can find more information about this project!